Because my kidney's are having issues, i'm not aloud to eat much protien for a while. I went to the Doctor today and had some more tests. Not good. Tomorrow I go in the hospital for 3 tests on my kidney's. If it shows what they think it will, I will be sent to a nephrologist (kidney doc.) for a biopsy, etc.... Not great, and I've been off the lexapro so all I do is sit around and cry about it. Crying is not what I do much of, but for some reason when I got off the lexapro I cry all the time. I know this b/c today in the doctor's office... they had Finding Nemo on the big plasma screen and at the end where the father finds nemo... I began to cry, the ugly cry. The nurse came in and said, "Oh my gosh, are you ok, what's wrong" And I said, "oh, nothing I was just watching the movie." That's when she turned to see what was on... and when I realized I needed to get back on the lexapro. (Well, that and the fact that when the nurse told me she lost my 2nd urine sample I asked her "if she wanted me to pour it over her head this time to make sure she knew EXACTLY where it was." Then I started to cry.... and the dr asked me if I wanted an IV of lexapro. lol (Good thing he loves me.)
Hope tomorrow is better, b/c today was depressing, scary and it sucks.
Love ya.